Thursday, March 5, 2009

Can you spot the Talking-Head bike stand?

Former Talking Heads front-man, bike enthusiast & advocate, David Byrne, takes us on a ride in Brooklyn, to show off-his latest project - designing bike racks.

That’s right, bike racks or bike-stands as we call em’.

Reminds me D.B was in New Zealand a couple of weeks back, doing all the material he did in collaboration with Brian Eno – the pinnacle of his career, if I do say so myself, but I digress, back to things bikes.

The question is - do New Yorkers want to use his works of functional art?

In the second video, a couple of hard-case dudes travel in Byrne’s wake, to see the racks are utilised by the riding public, or simply ignored?

By the way if you haven’t heard of Talking Heads, I’m afraid I’m going to have to shoot you.

PS: F#ck I love You-Tube when you find neat crap like this.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul :)

    It's paul here from

    I'm currently looking for contributers to the blog and i reckon your style and posts would work really well at

    If you are keen to contribute some bike/ gear reviews, trail rides and general bike related stuff let me know.

